Realising “daddy” is no hero.

by buxllove

It’s amazing what a weekend can do for you.

He has been gone for a week now, and guess what… I don’t care.
I don’t know what he’s doing… And I don’t care.
A week with no contact and I feel fine.. Good even.
That’s scary, is he losing his grip on me? It certainly feels like it.
I guess I’m tired of having to reinforce this image of him in my head… When it comes down to it he’s just a man. That likes to fuck. Fuck me. Sometimes, when he feels like it. Nothing more, nothing less and that’s ok, that’s his prerogative, he owes nothing more to me..
Nor do I to him.

Before I was overly concerned with writing something here and it coming back on me, you know, him proving that I am totally out of my mind and blowing things out of proportion but my gut is rarely wrong, and right now my gut is saying “whatever!”.. Like, who cares now anyway.
8 years of the run around… It’s boring now, especially in light of what I actually have at home.

In this day and age if you don’t hear from someone that you expect to, for a week, unless they are dead, in a coma or in jail they just don’t give a shit about speaking to you.

So “daddy” if you chose to make an appearance… Whatever.
And if you don’t.


Good morning London.